Zultys MXvirtual

Zultys MXvirtual

With Zultys MXvirtual, you can get all the features of Zultys premise-based phone systems while combining voice, video, data, and mobility in a fully integrated communication solution that can serve any size business. No need to store and maintain equipment, opt to use an off-site data center! Zultys is leading the way in SIP Trunking, allowing businesses to reduce costs while serving multiple locations all with the functionality you can expect!

The Quickest Way to Get Your Messages Out

The Quickest Way to Get Your Messages Out

When you need to get a message out quickly, do you have a system that you can rely on? Email and texts can be helpful, but when it’s urgent you can’t wait for people to check their messages! Whether it’s an emergency or just relaying important information, Paging and Intercom Solutions can help you stay in touch with your employees and customers.

Your Business Technology Provider

Being one of the region’s longest operating technology firms, we bring with us a track record like no other. We make sure our clients have a strong footing and stand on rock-solid ground in this ever-changing world. We have the drive, the expertise, and the knowledge to deliver the right solutions to you, and our commitment to building personal relationships cannot be matched. Find out more about us today, and contact us to see how we can help your business now!

Keeping an Eye on Your Facility

Both the software and hardware are well suited for a range of purposes. We offer cameras suited to both day- and nighttime recording, with weatherproof cases that are hard to crack. This is combined with analytics software that lets you search videos and export materials for training purposes, investigations, and insurance claims. Your team at Northeast Information Systems can help you understand the different benefits and combination of products to suit your specific needs. The goal is to help you keep your facility secure with the right tools and solutions.

Managing your Internet Needs

But we can do more than offer a simple wireless connection for your office. Based on your needs, we can design a network that will help your business succeed. This might be through more tools for employee productivity, hotspots for visiting customers, or better system performance to support cloud computing. During our initial consultation, we’ll review your current network usage and goals for the next few years, then discuss how Northeast Information Systems can help you meet those goals with the latest technology.

Connecting with Unified Communications

Unified communication solutions pair up with your VoIP phone system to centralize your calls, voicemail, messaging, and even video service. Enjoy a range of features aimed at improving your work processes and adding mobility to the workplace. We can link your office together over existing data networks, so that small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) can provide a single corporate image to customers and vendors. You can even take your extension with you while outside the office, so you’re always reachable when you need to be. Everything runs through your centralized communications platform, making it easier to connect with everyone.

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