secure your data in the cloudCloud-based storage is convenient for many businesses. After all, cloud storage vendors offer unmatched operational agility, speed, efficiency, flexibility, and productivity in their services. But to enjoy these benefits without drawbacks, you always have to keep a simple rule of cloud storage security in mind. Choose Northeast IS as your cloud provider. We will assess your security needs according to your industry, company size, actual business need, and local data privacy laws. These aspects will determine whether your cloud storage poses additional risks or becomes a powerful ally for your company and its partners.

One of the most critical aspects of cloud security is to ensure that only authorized personnel such as you and your employees have access to the documents and files stored in the cloud. Ultimately, the responsibility of securing your cloud lies between you and the cloud storage provider. If you do plan to adopt cloud storage for your business, it is imperative that you take measures to protect your data through secure passwords, two-factor authentication, as well as limits and controls on access.

Learn more about security at:

Or better yet, call us for a free data analysis and see if moving to the cloud is right for your business! Initial consults and quotes are free.

Here are some handy tips to keep in mind when it comes to securing your data in the cloud:

  • Your cloud storage provider has to have solid security policies in place.
  • If you don’t understand or have questions about your migration to the cloud, ask!
  • Always use robust and secure password that you will remember.
  • Stay up to date with useful security guidelines and best practices recommended by the Cloud Security Alliance. It is a not-for-profit organization on a mission to “promote the use of best practices for providing security assurance within Cloud Computing.”
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